Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Yakama Southern Territories Habitat Project (STHP)
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Gorge Klickitat 100.00%
Contract Number:
56662 REL 235
Contract Title:
Contract Continuation:
Previous: Next:
Contract Status:
Contract Description:

The Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Project (KWEP) works to restore, enhance, and protect watershed function within the Klickitat subbasin.  Project work emphasizes restoration and protection in watersheds and reaches that support native salmonid stocks, particularly steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss; listed as "Threatened" within the Mid-Columbia Evolutionarily Significant Unit), spring Chinook (O. tshawytscha) salmon, and bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus; Endangered Species Act "Threatened").  Restoration activities focus on restoring stream processes by removing or mitigating watershed perturbance, improving habitat conditions, and water quality.  Watershed and habitat improvements also benefit fall Chinook (O. tshawytscha), coho (O. kisutch) salmon, resident rainbow trout, and cutthroat trout (O. clarki) and enhance habitat for terrestrial and amphibian wildlife species.  Protection activities compliment restoration efforts within the subbasin by securing refugia and preventing degradation.  90% of the off-reservation project area is in private ownership thus cooperation with state, federal, tribal, and private entities is essential.  KWEP addresses goals and objectives presented in the Klickitat Subbasin Plan, Klickitat Lead Entity Strategic Plan, and the Northwest Power Planning Council's Fish and Wildlife Program.  


The overall goal of KWEP is to restore watershed health to aid recovery of salmonid stocks in the Klickitat subbasin.  There are four sub-goals:
•   Provide educational opportunities and public outreach related to salmon, habitat, water quality and watershed health.
•  Assess watershed and habitat conditions to prioritize sites for restoration activities.  This involves data collection, compilation, and review of existing as well as historic habitat and watershed conditions.  Identification and filling of data gaps is also a component of KWEP.
•  Protect, restore, and enhance priority watersheds and reaches to increase riparian, wetland, and stream habitat quality.  In-situ and watershed-scale restoration activities mitigate or resolve conflicting historic, present, and/or future land-uses.  Protect areas of existing high-quality habitat conditions and prevent further deterioration of degraded habitats.  Restore areas of degraded stream channel and/or habitat condition.
•  Monitor watershed conditions to assess trends and effectiveness of restoration activities.  Monitoring is a critical component to evaluating project success and guiding adaptive practices.  Site-specific and basin-wide spatial scales are addressed.  KWEP augments the Klickitat Monitoring & Evaluation Project (BPA project #1995-06-335) by assisting data collection and providing Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) and analysis of channel morphology, streamflow, temperature, habitat, and channel substrate data.

The Rock Creek Project is using a three-pronged approach to restore watershed health and aid recovery of salmonids and culturally significant fish species in Rock Creek, a 223-square-mile subbasin tributary to the Columbia River upstream of John Day Dam.  First, assessment of the current fish use, water quality/quantity, and habitat conditions to determine areas of high steelhead productivity and survival, and the primary limiting habitat factors.  Second, creation of a list of prioritized actions to protect, restore, and enhance stream reaches.  Third, conduct restoration actions to address restoration priorities, and monitor the effectiveness of restoration activities.

The Research Monitoring and Evaluation (RM&E) is focused on salmonid stocks, steelhead (Onchorhynchus mykiss; listed as “Threatened” within the Mid-Columbia Evolutionary Significant Unit), Coho Salmon (O. kisutch), and bridgelip suckers (Catostomus columbianus).  The overall goal is to support sustainable populations in the Rock Creek subbasin.  The Rock Creek subbasin has been identified as a watershed with high steelhead production potential (as evidenced by spawner surveys) but with significant habitat limitations (low summer flows; high stream temperatures; and riparian, channel and floodplain degradation).

The bridgelip sucker was historically abundant throughout the subbasin and is a culturally significant fish species to the Yakama Nation.  In the last decade, it has been observed by the Tribal members that suckers are less abundant for ceremonial and subsistence harvest.  Bridgelip suckers are a culturally significant species of concern.  In previous contract years, we documented the distribution of bridgelip suckers during our juvenile salmonid abundance and population surveys.  During this contract year we will continue studying their life history during the juvenile population and abundance surveys.  

We will continue to conduct salmonid spawner abundance and redd surveys, water quality sampling, water temperature monitoring, juvenile population and abundance surveys, low-flow habitat mapping, and gathering PIT-tag interrogation information.  This year we will be evaluating over-summer-survival of juvenile steelhead in summer perennial pools by conducting fall population surveys in the spring and fall seasons.  Water quality and temperature will be closely monitored in those pools through the summer months.  We will PIT-tag all O. mykiss with greater than 60mm forklengths and collect genetic samples during both sampling seasons.  We will assess the fish population and abundance and over-summer-growth in each sampled pool.  Genetic fin-clips will be collected from all O. mykiss and genotyped to compare introgressed O. mykiss with Rock Creek O. mykiss to compare overall summer-survival-rates of both.

A Low-Tech Process Based Restoration Design (15%) done for two reaches in Rock Creek and one site in Walaluuks Creek in the previous contract.  The design entailed an in-depth pool geomorphic assessment of each reach to get a low-cost, “processed based” design to address lack of wood, habitat complexity, and underwater cover that is a limiting the carrying capacity of juvenile fish during the summer months.  This year we plan to build off of that design and incorporate a hydrology and hydraulic analysis and design to finish the Low-tech processed based design (100%).  

Beaver use and observations in Rock Creek were documented during perennial habitat and multiple-pass spawner surveys (2015 - 2020).  The data will be compiled into a database and a GIS map of beaver use in surveyed reaches of the watershed will be created.  A beaver restoration assessment model is available for the Rock Creek watershed and the beaver activity data will continue to be compiled and GIS maps will help assist with the beaver restoration assessment.

One site was identified for riparian revegetation in Rock Creek at RM 19 (Shike II site) this year where native trees, shrubs, and grass will be planted.  The Shike II site is building off the original Shike site at RM 19.3 and invasive weed control will be conducted at the new Shike II site which are mainly knapweed and blackberries.  Invasive weed control will be conducted at previous riparian enhancement sites conducted in 2015 - 2019.  The primary target weed types include non-native thistles, knap weed, star thistle and blackberry bushes.  Weed removal will involve mechanical, hand, and organic application treatments.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Dec-2024.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Contract Contractor:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Joshua Ashline Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-3862
Adrianne Grimm Yakama Confederated Tribes No Interested Party (509) 281-1935
Elaine Harvey Yakama Confederated Tribes Yes Interested Party (509) 773-3147
David Lindley Yakama Confederated Tribes Yes Contract Manager (509) 369-3565
Claire McClory Bonneville Power Administration Yes Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-5922
Jennifer McKenna Bonneville Power Administration Yes CO Assistant (503) 314-8915
Tiffany Petersen Yakama Confederated Tribes Yes Technical Contact (509) 790-8798
Bill Sharp Yakama Confederated Tribes Yes Supervisor (509) 865-5121x6355
Morgan Tynan Yakama Confederated Tribes No Technical Contact (509) 945-6083x6352
Adrienne Wilson Yakama Confederated Tribes Yes Interested Party (509) 865-5121x6306
Jesse Wilson Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-4506
Karen Wolfe Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-3448

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Prepare Necessary Documentation for Various Environmental Compliance Needs A: 165. Prepare Necessary Documentation for Various Environmental Compliance Needs 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
YKFP Watershed Coordination B: 191. Coordination of YKFP Restoration 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Salmon Education and Habitat Education/Outreach C: 99. Project Outreach 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Develop or update (out-year) prioritized Habitat Project list: upload to Pisces D: 114. Select, Prioritize, and Begin to Develop Projects for Implementation Over the Next 2-3 Years 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Attend Technical Meetings E: 122. Assist Planning Activities - Technical Review 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Complete Final Design: Swale Creek - x-ings, side-channel and/or floodplain reconnection F: 175. Finalize Design - Swale Creek x-ings, SC Channel and Floodplain Reconnection 03/31/2022 07/15/2021
Complete Final Design: Klickitat River Watershed Low-tech Process-Based Restoration Project G: 175. Finalize Design - Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration (PALs, BDA's) 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Complete Final Design: Klickitat River Watershed Low-tech Process-Based Restoration Project H: 175. Produce Design - Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration (PALs, BDA's) 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Complete 30% Design: Howard Lake Rd (32)/Upper Klickitat Floodplain Enhancement I: 175. Produce Design - Howard Lake Road/Upper Klickitat Floodplain Enhancement 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Complete Design for White Creek LWD Phase 2 J: 175. Produce Design - White Creek LWD Phase 2 03/31/2022
Complete Final Design: White Creek Road X-ings K: 175. Finalize Design - Cedar Valley Road x-ing (White Creek 191 X-ing & Brush Creek) 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Place New Bridge at 191 Road Crossing L: 184. Replace White Creek 191 Road Crossing 11/29/2021 11/19/2021
Implement LTPBR Treatments on 1.0 mile of Swale Creek M: 29. LTPBR - Tepee Creek RM 0.0-2.0 03/31/2022
Revegetate roughly 2 acres at Piscoe Creek 80 Road Crossing Site. N: 47. Supplemental Planting at Piscoe Creek 80 Rd x-ing Site 11/27/2021 05/31/2021
Manage Native Nursery at Klickitat Field Office O: 47. Manage Native Nursery 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Invasive Weed Control P: 199. Invasive Plant Control 10/15/2021 10/15/2021
Monitoring of Past Projects Q: 157. Habitat Enhancement Project Monitoring 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Project Monitoring Data Analysis R: 162. Summarize/Analyze Habitat Enhancement Monitoring Data 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Streamflow Monitoring Data for 9 Sites S: 157. Streamflow Monitoring 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Summary of Continuous Stage Information and Coordination of Fisheries Assessment T: 157. Klickitat/Columbia River Confluence Assessment 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Streamflow Data Analysis U: 162. Summarize/Analyze Streamflow Monitoring Data 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Completed Annual Report V: 132. Submit Progress Report for the Period (1/1/2020) to (12/31/20) 03/31/2022 06/28/2021
Completed Annual Report W: 132. Submit Progress Report for the Period (1/1/2021) to (12/31/21) 03/31/2022
BPA - Preparation of SOW Package, and Accurate Invoices Y: 119. BPA and SRFB Project Management and Administration 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Lease 200 acres of land for fisheries conservation Z: 92. Rock Creek: Lease 200 Acres of Land for Fisheries Conservation and Enhancement 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Research lease opportunities for fisheries conservation of 480 acres in Walaluuks Creek AA: 92. Rock Creek: Research a new 480 Acres Lease of Land for Fisheries Conservation and Enhancement 03/31/2022
PIT tag 200 - 2000 juvenile steelhead AB: 158. Rock Creek: PIT Tag Juvenile Steelhead 11/30/2021 11/30/2021
PIT tag 50 - 800 juvenile Coho salmon during 2021 spring and fall population surveys AC: 158. Rock Creek: PIT Tag Juvenile Coho 11/30/2021 11/30/2021
500 juvenile steelhead genetic samples will be genotyped by CRITFC Geneticist AD: 115. Genotyping of Juvenile Steelhead Fin-Clip Samples 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
All PIT-tagged fish during the spring and fall populations surveys will be uploaded to the PTAGIS website AE: 157. Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Final report of Rock Creek steelhead life histories based from fish PIT tag interrogation AF: 157. Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Spawning Surveys: Rock Creek database with results presented in annual report AG: 157. Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Compilation of error checked data AH: 162. Rock Creek: Analyze Population Monitoring Information 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Water monitoring: Rock Creek data AI: 157. Rock Creek: Water Quality and Temperature 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Invasive weed removal at all eight locations AJ: 199. Rock Creek: Invasive Weed Control at Eight Riparian Restoration Sites 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Plant 200 trees at the Shike II Site RM 19 AK: 47. Rock Creek: Plant Vegetation at Shike II site RM 19 03/31/2022
Rock Creek beaver observation distribution map AL: 115. Rock Creek: Compile and Map Beaver use and Observation Sites in Rock Creek and Tributary Streams 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Completed Annual Report AM: 132. Rock Creek: Submit Progress Report for the Period (Jan 2021) to (Dec 2021) 03/31/2022
Completed Annual Report AN: 132. Rock Creek: Submit Progress Report for the Period (January 2020) to (December 2020) 02/28/2022
Deliverable: Receipt of NPCC recommendation for Anadromous Fish Habitat and Artificial Production Review AO: 141. Other Reports for BPA 11/30/2021 09/24/2021
Complete Final Design: Low-Tech Process Based Restoration of three sites in Rock Creek and Walaluuks Creek AP: 175. Produce Design - Low-Tech Processed Design for Restoration at Rkm 10-12 at the Blackwolf Site (Pool Site #1) 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Complete Final Design: Low-Tech Process Based Restoration at Rock Creek Rkm 18-19 at the Old Cabin Site AQ: 175. Produce Design - Low-Tech Processed Design for Restoration at Rkm 18-19 at the Old Cabin Site (Pool #2) 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Complete Final Design: Low-Tech Process Based Restoration for Rkm 6-8 in Walaluuks Creek AR: 175. Produce Design - Low-Tech Processed Design for Restoration at Rkm 6-8 at Walaluuks Creek (Pool #3) 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Complete Final Design for the Rock Creek: Upper Quartz Creek - Simcoe Unit Spring Restoration Of Headwater Spring AS: 175. Complete Final Design for the Rock Creek: Upper Quartz Creek - Simcoe Unit Spring Restoration Of Headwater Spring 03/31/2022 03/31/2022
Complete Final Design for the Rock Creek: Upper Quartz Creek - Milk Ranch Spring Restoration Of Headwater Spring AT: 175. Complete Final Design for the Rock Creek: Upper Quartz Creek - Milk Ranch Spring Restoration of Headwater Spring 03/31/2022 03/31/2022

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Mid-Columbia River Spring ESU
  • 1 instance of WE 199 Remove Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 1 instance of WE 122 Provide Technical Review and Recommendation
  • 3 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 2 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
Coho (O. kisutch) - Unspecified Population
  • 1 instance of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 158 Mark/Tag Animals
  • 1 instance of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) - All Populations
  • 1 instance of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 2 instances of WE 115 Produce Inventory or Assessment
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Middle Columbia River DPS (Threatened)
  • 2 instances of WE 199 Remove Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 29 Increase Aquatic and/or Floodplain Complexity
  • 2 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 184 Install Fish Passage Structure
  • 2 instances of WE 92 Lease Land
  • 1 instance of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 1 instance of WE 122 Provide Technical Review and Recommendation
  • 11 instances of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 7 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 158 Mark/Tag Animals
  • 3 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 Prepare Necessary Documentation for Various Environmental Compliance Needs
B 191 Coordination of YKFP Restoration
C 99 Project Outreach
D 114 Select, Prioritize, and Begin to Develop Projects for Implementation Over the Next 2-3 Years
E 122 Assist Planning Activities - Technical Review
F 175 Finalize Design - Swale Creek x-ings, SC Channel and Floodplain Reconnection
G 175 Finalize Design - Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration (PALs, BDA's)
H 175 Produce Design - Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration (PALs, BDA's)
I 175 Produce Design - Howard Lake Road/Upper Klickitat Floodplain Enhancement
J 175 Produce Design - White Creek LWD Phase 2
K 175 Finalize Design - Cedar Valley Road x-ing (White Creek 191 X-ing & Brush Creek)
L 184 Replace White Creek 191 Road Crossing 04/06/2022
M 29 LTPBR - Tepee Creek RM 0.0-2.0 04/06/2022
N 47 Supplemental Planting at Piscoe Creek 80 Rd x-ing Site 06/30/2021
O 47 Manage Native Nursery 01/29/2021
P 199 Invasive Plant Control 06/30/2021
Q 157 Habitat Enhancement Project Monitoring 06/30/2021
R 162 Summarize/Analyze Habitat Enhancement Monitoring Data
S 157 Streamflow Monitoring 01/29/2021
T 157 Klickitat/Columbia River Confluence Assessment 06/30/2021
U 162 Summarize/Analyze Streamflow Monitoring Data
V 132 Submit Progress Report for the Period (1/1/2020) to (12/31/20)
W 132 Submit Progress Report for the Period (1/1/2021) to (12/31/21)
X 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA
Y 119 BPA and SRFB Project Management and Administration
Z 92 Rock Creek: Lease 200 Acres of Land for Fisheries Conservation and Enhancement
AA 92 Rock Creek: Research a new 480 Acres Lease of Land for Fisheries Conservation and Enhancement
AB 158 Rock Creek: PIT Tag Juvenile Steelhead 04/06/2022
AC 158 Rock Creek: PIT Tag Juvenile Coho 04/06/2022
AD 115 Genotyping of Juvenile Steelhead Fin-Clip Samples 04/06/2022
AE 157 Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys 04/06/2022
AF 157 Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring 01/29/2021
AG 157 Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection 04/06/2022
AH 162 Rock Creek: Analyze Population Monitoring Information
AI 157 Rock Creek: Water Quality and Temperature 01/29/2021
AJ 199 Rock Creek: Invasive Weed Control at Eight Riparian Restoration Sites
AK 47 Rock Creek: Plant Vegetation at Shike II site RM 19
AL 115 Rock Creek: Compile and Map Beaver use and Observation Sites in Rock Creek and Tributary Streams 01/29/2021
AM 132 Rock Creek: Submit Progress Report for the Period (Jan 2021) to (Dec 2021)
AN 132 Rock Creek: Submit Progress Report for the Period (January 2020) to (December 2020)
AO 141 Other Reports for BPA
AP 175 Produce Design - Low-Tech Processed Design for Restoration at Rkm 10-12 at the Blackwolf Site (Pool Site #1)
AQ 175 Produce Design - Low-Tech Processed Design for Restoration at Rkm 18-19 at the Old Cabin Site (Pool #2)
AR 175 Produce Design - Low-Tech Processed Design for Restoration at Rkm 6-8 at Walaluuks Creek (Pool #3)
AS 175 Complete Final Design for the Rock Creek: Upper Quartz Creek - Simcoe Unit Spring Restoration Of Headwater Spring
AT 175 Complete Final Design for the Rock Creek: Upper Quartz Creek - Milk Ranch Spring Restoration of Headwater Spring